Plastic Surgery Indianapolis
David Sterling Slatton, MD
Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon
317 526 9370

Arm Lift Indianapolis, Indiana

Brachioplasty Surgery in Indianapolis

Arm Lift SurgeryUpper arm skin looseness can develop with weight loss with diet and exercise, bariatric surgery and the normal aging process fluctuation.  Waving the flag in these instances is neither a sign of patriotism nor surrender. The excess upper arm skin may be removed with incisions resulting on the inner aspect of the upper arm (the biciptal groove). If fat deposits exist, they may be treated with liposuction. Fat deposits of the inner and outer aspects of the upper arm may be treated with arm liposuction alone if skin tone is good. Many patients require both fat removal with liposuction and excess skin excision, so combination arm lift and upper arm liposuction may be performed in these instances.

The length of the inner arm incision with arm lift surgery varies directly with the degree of skin looseness, and amount of skin of the inner arm that needs to be removed for adequate skin tightening.

Good Candidates for Arm Lift Surgery -patients who have drooping upper arm skin are best candidates for this procedure. Patients should be in overall good health and not smoke and have any medical conditioned well controlled. Patients who are still morbidly obese (Body Mass Index>40, who smoke, or have uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease should have these issues addressed before undergoing Arm Lift surgery.

Combined Procedures Arm Lift surgery can be performed at the same time as liposuction, breast augmenation, breast lift, fat injection, and other cosmetic plastic surgical procedures.

Consultation with Dr. David Slatton will provide you with answers specific to your individual anatomy and goals for the improvement of the appearance of your arms. Email for any questions and to schedule a consultation at our office.

How to choose an arm lift surgeon.   Dr. Slatton has two decades of experience in body contouring surgery and arm lift procedures. 

Before your arm lift surgery, you should have any medical conditions addressed and controlled, stop smoking, if you smoke, at least 4 weeks prior to surgery.   

Preparing-once your surgery is scheduled you should prepare arranging for appropriate time off from work, have child care arrangements made if applicable, and wash with antimicrobial soap for three nights in a row prior to the day of surgery. Drink plenty of fluids the day of surgery.

During the surgery, you will be under general anesthesia.  The surgery is performed at a AAAASF accredited surgery center or hospital.

Arm lift surgery can be performed at the same time as other operations including Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift with or without Breast Implants, eyelid surgery, tummy tuck surgery, and liposuction of several areas including the abdomen, back, hips, arms and neck. It can be performed as an outpatient procedure or you may require an overnight stay if you have the arm lift at the same time as other procedures.

Recovery from arm lift surgery takes a week before returning to work.  You will be seen frequently in our office for post op care during this time period.  Return to light exercise is at 4 weeks, and complete unrestricted activity is by 3 months.

Your Results will take some time to become visible to you.  Many patients see immediate results and some see results evolve more slowly as swelling subsides. After arm lift with liposuction, or upper arm liposuction alone, a long sleeve compression garment is worn for two or three weeks postoperatively

Cost of a arm lift surgery includes the surgeon’s, facility, and anesthesia fees. The cost increases commensurate with the total areas of liposuction performed at the same time as the arm lift.

Financing for surgery can be obtained through several lenders.  Click here to go to our financing page.

The benefits of arm lift surgery are great.

Complications are uncommon, but scarring does take time to heal.  Scar Revisions are sometimes necessary for arm lift surgery. During your consultation and pre operative visits, we will discuss these as they pertain to you and armlift surgery. The risks of this surgery are minimized by having the surgery performed in a hospital and being in overall good health before having the surgery.

Alternatives to Body Lift surgery are to not have the surgery and live with the loose skin and wrinkling that occurs after major or massive weight loss.